2 Easy Ways to Stay Relevant Online

In a world where things change on the daily it’s important that we stay relevant in order to make an impact. Words like fresh, new, improved, better, easier, and bigger push people to believe they are getting MORE than they would’ve and translates into an increased likely hood they will retain that information. Truth is we will often remember and associate those words even if they are not necessarily true. This is because when it comes to our internal filter we often classify the information we deem the “newest” as more important than previous information. These are two easy ways you can use to stay at the forefront of the trends.

1.  SEO

Search Engine Optimization is crucial to making it easy for you to stay at the top of the list, literally. This is because search engines use algorithms based off of your activity, the activity of those who have interacted with you, and lastly the person who is searching’s activity. There are easy things you can include on your website or blog to improve your SEO. Regina Anaejionu (creator of ByRegina.com) wrote an article titled “SEO for Bloggers” that encompasses lots of easy tips. If you take the advice and apply it whole, it works for more than just blogs.
  • Multi-media: People like pictures and video’s. If it fits or even better helps drive your point, insert away.
  • Use your text: Sometimes your words get in the way. Simply arranging your text in an easy to read format and proofreading will help your content to be more readable, period.
  • Keywords and Titles: Not just any words either, they need to make it easy to search for you or your content. These are the words and descriptions people remember, therefore it’s what they search for.
  • Engage: The longer people hang out on your website, the better you look to search engines. People don’t tend to hang out on websites that bore them for long. Creative and up to date content keep people interested, and clicking.
  • Links: Whether they are too or from, links are hotspots to search engines. If your blog or website is linked by a popular or reputable site, this is like a recommendation to search engines. Vice-versa, you placing links on your blog to well known blogs about the same category builds your reputation also.
  • Frequent and Popular: The newest and most talked about once again is what is remembered, not just by humans but search engines also. Updates and content about trends get viewers and search engine attention alike.

2. Try and Assess

One of the best pieces of advice I’ve seen and heard over and over again recently is to try something new. Sounds simple but where to start? Many companies still don’t have a strong social media presence, if they have one. Some have never tried an email marketing campaign. Others just don’t know how to get to the next level. To all of them I would say start somewhere, everywhere, or anywhere. You can try posting the same thing on different social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest all the same day and see what happens. Then you have at least started. Now you can look at what you tried and gauge your level of success from the statistics. Not doing anything is worse than doing something. The more options you try the better chance you have of getting the results you want.


Helpful links:

Regina Anaejionu’s blog article @ ByRegina.com http://byregina.com/seo-for-bloggers/

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